Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 3

I wish I had written the first three days! But here is it. Surprisingly, it is not that bad. I mostly feel like I am missing something each time I go online. I am also very used to clicking on the Facebook app almost every time I check my phone (which is very often), so I deleted the app.

As much as I would love to say that in the last three days I have accomplished more than I did during all of last week, all that I can brag about is that I have continued regularly going to the gym (something I just started two weeks ago). I have never been great about keeping a gym commitment. When I started college, I was all optimistic about having a gym within close walking distance, with many exercise classes to choose from.I think I went to yoga twice. My sophomore year, I may have exercised with a friend four times. Junior year, I lived in a residence hall where the the gym was in the same building, and I improved. I went eight times, plus one yoga class. Senior year I didn't even bother.

Currently, I signed up for a gym that I have take the subway to, and then walk some, but I have been pretty good about going at least three times a week. Most of the reason is that I go with a friend, which is a huge motivational tool. I have trouble getting myself out of bed, if I don't absolutely have to. I am rarely late, and do not let people down, but if no one is actually relying on integrity slips rapidly. 

What I have noticed myself doing since my Facebook-less life, is thinking in Facebook statuses. I have caught myself creating imaginary statuses in my head, that I would be likely to post, if I was still using my Facebook. What I learned: If my thoughts and observations aren't affirmed by a solid number of "likes", I still survive. Also, I can text them to my friends, the ones who actually care.

Tomorrow, I am going to a book signing with Jodi Picoult, one of my favorite modern authors! I am incredibly excited! Maybe I'll post a picture :) I know that I need to revamp this blog with some style!


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